I'm using Live Charts library and I've run into a problem where the y axis has "-1000" as the min value.
How do I set this to 0? I tried in the winforms under the Yaxis collection and setting MinValue to 0 there but that doesn't seem to do anything.
This is how I draw the chart:
new LineSeries
Title = "Series 1",
Values = graph1.ReturnGraphData().AsChartValues(),
LineSmoothness = 0, //straight lines, 1 really smooth lines
PointGeometry = null,
PointGeometrySize = 0,
the method "ReturnGraphData()" returns an int-array.
Also this are my settings of the YAxis in winforms designer:
Like i said earlier when I set MinValues to 0 in the properties it either doens't do anything or crashes Visual Studio. It also reverts to NaN.
I found a way that works:
new Axis
MinValue = 0
new LineSeries
Title = "Series 1",
Values = model.ImageGraphData().AsChartValues(),
LineSmoothness = 0, //straight lines, 1 really smooth lines
PointGeometry = null,
PointGeometrySize = 0,
In this code sample I'm clearing all the existing YAxis and then adding one with MinValue = 0. What I was doing wrong before was trying to add a new YAxis after the graph was drawn, which didn't seem to work. However the fact that setting MinValue = 0 in the WinForms designer doesn't work is still weird to me.