I have a differential equation that is as follows:
%d/dt [x;y] = [m11 m12;m11 m12][x;y]
mat = @(t) sin(cos(w*t))
m11 = mat(t) + 5 ;
m12 = 5;
m21 = -m12 ;
m22 = -m11 ;
So I have that my matrix is specifically dependent on t. For some reason, I am having a super difficult time solving this with ode45. My thoughts were to do as follows ( I want to solve for x,y at a time T that was defined):
t = linspace(0,T,100) ; % Arbitrary 100
x0 = (1 0); %Init cond
[tf,xf] = ode45(@ddt,t,x0)
function xprime = ddt(t,x)
ddt = [m11*x(1)+m12*x(2) ; m12*x(1)+m12*x(2) ]
The first error I get is that
Undefined function or variable 'M11'.
Is there a cleaner way I could be doing this ?
I'm assuming you're running this within a script, which means that your function ddt
is a local function instead of a nested function. That means it doesn't have access to your matrix variables m11
, etc. Another issue is that you will want to be evaluating your matrix variables at the specific value of t
within ddt
, which your current code doesn't do.
Here's an alternative way to set things up that should work for you:
% Define constants:
w = 1;
T = 10;
t = linspace(0, T, 100);
x0 = [1 0];
% Define anonymous functions:
fcn = @(t) sin(cos(w*t));
M = {@(t) fcn(t)+5, 5; -5 @(t) -fcn(t)-5};
ddt = @(t, x) [M{1, 1}(t)*x(1)+M{2, 1}*x(2); M{1, 2}*x(1)+M{2, 2}(t)*x(2)];
% Solve equations:
[tf, xf] = ode45(ddt, t, x0);