I just had maple downloaded and the command prompt and classic worksheet seem to work but when I try to use the desktop app maplew.exe the initial loading image comes up but then nothing happens. I then have to use the task manager to close it. I have tried running as an administrator among other things. I am completely unsure how to fix this. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Thanks
Thank you all. I was able to email maple and I got a fast response. Maybe it can help someone in the future...
Your security software might be scanning Maple. If you can’t add Maple to the list of exceptions, please try temporarily disabling it.
If that doesn’t help, please check the Details tab of your Task Manager for jogamp-based processes. If terminating them allows Maple to finish loading, please use the attached launch script; just save it as a batch file.
If that doesn’t help either, please try enabling the jaccess line in
C:\Program Files\Maple 2017\bin.X86_64_WINDOWS\launch.ini
by removing the#
in front. If you have issues saving the file, please move it to the desktop first, make and save the change, then move it back to the bin folder.If that doesn’t help either, please enable the
line in the file above, and increase the value of700
is usually a good value to try, but if your system has more memory, a higher value can be used.If that doesn’t help either, please try adding
to the end of the file.File:
if not "%minimized%"=="" goto :minimized set minimized=true start /min cmd /C "%~dpnx0" goto :EOF :minimized start "Maple 2017" "C:\Program Files\Maple 2017\bin.X86_64_WINDOWS\maplew.exe" :: Kill any jogamp_exe_tst processes than are spawned timeout 5 > NUL taskkill /F /IM jogamp_exe* timeout 5 > NUL taskkill /F /IM jogamp_exe* timeout 5 > NUL taskkill /F /IM jogamp_exe* timeout 5 > NUL taskkill /F /IM jogamp_exe* timeout 5 > NUL taskkill /F /IM jogamp_exe*