I have a column that contains names and another that contains Survey Percent. Some names have multiple entries on survey percent and but what im trying to pull are those that doesn't have any entry at all(or those with Blank cells).I have tried =query(A1:B20, "select A, count(B) where count(B)=0 group by A", 1)
. This gives me the error:
Unable to parse query string for Function QUERY parameter 2: CANNOT_BE_IN_WHERE: COUNT
Link to sample data https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yADZBAhGYs5cCPyPzaJ5e2QIOyltVbeKtn6QtQXMCjY/edit#gid=0
Use nested queries.
=query(query(A:B,"select A, SUM(B) where A <>'' group by A",1),"select Col1 where Col2 is null",1)