I am trying to make a multiple choice test question using the exams package. I have created a vector of 5 questions called questions. For example, the first entry was created like:
Where a
has been sampled previously.
Now I want to output the pdf file. The TeX part now reads:
*Question Statement Here*
<<echo=FALSE,results=hide, results=tex>>=
The issue is that the output contains a
instead of the numerical value representing a
. However, If I manually type
into the command line and copy paste the result in place of
<<echo=FALSE,results=hide, results=tex>>=
then I get the desired result.
How can I force
<<echo=FALSE,results=hide, results=tex>>=
to output exactly what answerlist(questions) does in the command line?
When reading into the code, answerlist just pastes values
function (..., sep = ". ", markup = c("latex", "markdown"))
if (match.arg(markup) == "latex") {
writeLines(c("\\begin{answerlist}", paste(" \\item",
do.call("paste", list(..., sep = sep))), "\\end{answerlist}"))
else {
writeLines(c("Answerlist", "----------", paste("*", do.call("paste",
list(..., sep = sep)))))
<environment: namespace:exams>
From what I've tested there is nothing wrong with the following
\newenvironment{question}{\item \textbf{Problem}\newline}{}
<<init, echo=FALSE,results=hide, results=tex>>=
When testing inside the R chunk I get :\\
<<test, echo=FALSE,results=hide, results=tex>>=
And this result is similar to what I get in Sexpr :\\
\Sexpr{paste(a,b,sep=". ")}
just gives
So this means that you have to give more details, I can't reproduce your problem. Note that I've tried to test with the exam package trying to understand your result using results like questions <- matrix_to_mchoice(c(2,2))$questions
and this just surrounds the values with $ which is fine with the test also.