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Missing external_id in item.update web hook event

We're not seeing external ID included in item.update webhook. The documentation says we should be included:

item.update: When an item is updated. Provides parameter "item_id", "item_revision_id" and "external_id".

The parameters we do see (via requestbin) are:

item_id: 12345
hook_id: 9875
type: item.update
item_revision_id: 2

What do we need to do to have external_id included in the webhook event? Or am I misreading the documentation?


  • Podio documentation is up-to-date and external_id parameter is sent for item.create and item.update hooks. In order to have it sent, item needs to have it :)

    So, if you just create item from Podio web, that item won't have any external_id. But if you create item via API and specify external_id then it will be there. Here is full example in Ruby:

    attr = {:fields => { :title => 'Created with external ID'},
            :external_id => 'exernal_id_for_demo' }
    item = Podio::Item.create(app_id, attr)

    Then webhook item.create will be:

    item_id: 720040614
    item_revision_id: 0
    type: item.create
    hook_id: 7243151
    external_id: exernal_id_for_demo