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Stripping . from text box's

Hello i did use the search before posting this.

Im new to php/mysql been doing soooo much reading. have been able to make a game that a few friends are playing. its like a pvp game.

Anyway one of the people playing found a way to glitch buying and selling units by putting a . in front of the value. i do have a protect feature for stripping illegal characters

function protect($string) {
    return mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(addslashes($string)));

this works for other characters but not with . im not asking for someone to do it for me just wanted to be pointed in the right direction.

but just encase someone asks here is the code im using

        $sword = protect($_POST['sword']);
        $shield = protect($_POST['shield']);
        $gold_needed = (10 * $sword) + (10 * $shield);

        if($sword < 0 || $shield < 0){
            output("You must buy a positive number of weapons!");
        }elseif($stats['gold'] < $gold_needed){
            output("You do not have enough gold!");
            $weapon['sword'] += $sword;
            $weapon['shield'] += $shield;

            $update_weapons = mysql_query("UPDATE `weapon` SET 
                                            WHERE `id`='".$_SESSION['uid']."'") or die(mysql_error());
            $stats['gold'] -= $gold_needed;
            $update_gold = mysql_query("UPDATE `stats` SET `gold`='".$stats['gold']."' 
                                        WHERE `id`='".$_SESSION['uid']."'") or die(mysql_error());
            output("You have bought weapons!");

If anyone could give me a hand i would greatly appreciate it

i did find something "string functions, substr replace and str replace"

but can i use two functions in 1 query? sorry im new


Here is the query posted in update_stats

$update_stats = mysql_query("UPDATE `stats` SET 
                            WHERE `id`='".$_SESSION['uid']."'") or die(mysql_error());


  • one of the people playing found a way to glitch buying and selling units by putting a . in front of the value

    Well, you've not disclosed EXACTLY what the vulnerability is, but I'll hazard a guess that by input of a decimal value they run around your pricing/math? So, a number of possibilities, I should think?

    if (substr($string, 0, 1) == ".") {
        //return false, warn, etc.

    That could go in your "protect" function.

    Likewise, you could use intval() or even is_numeric() ... here I just add it to the assignment:

    $sword = protect(intval($_POST['sword']));

    You could also play with a regular expression. I'm assuming $value to be numeric? How many digits max? I've used 5:

    if (preg_match("%\.\d{1,5}%", $sword)) { //this guy's playing w/us
       die("Go away, bad hax0rz! :-P");