(Run on python 3.6.0)
Usage: prog.py {caesar | vigenere} [key]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subp = parser.add_subparsers()
caesar = subp.add_parser("caesar", aliases=["c"], allow_abbrev=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
$ python prog.py caes 123
prog.py: error: invalid choice: 'caes' (choose from 'caesar', 'c')
Why is the subparser
abbreviation invalid even with allow_abbrev=True
Basically, having an issue getting argparse
to accept abbreviated subparsers
Here's the code:
Usage: prog.py [caesar] [key]
import sys, argparse
def main(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser
(description="runs text through X cipher")
subp = parser.add_subparsers\
(help="sub-command help")
#<ArgumentParser object>
caesar = subp.add_parser\
("caesar", aliases=["c"], allow_abbrev=True)
("key", metavar = "key (any integer)",\
type = int, default = 0)
args = parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":
sys.argv = list(str(c).lower() for c in sys.argv[0:])
So from the code above, it should be expected that any of the following should be accepted:
- "Caesar" or "caesar"
- "C" or "c"
- Any abbreviation in between "c" and "caesar"
So here's the problem:
This works: $ python prog.py c 123
This gives an error: $ python prog.py caes 123
prog.py: error: invalid choice: 'cae' (choose from 'caesar', 'c')
Now here's the confusing part.
According to the argparse doc:
ArgumentParser supports the creation of such sub-commands with the add_subparsers() method. The add_subparsers() method is normally called with no arguments and returns a special action object. This object has a single method, add_parser(), which takes a command name and any ArgumentParser constructor arguments, and returns an ArgumentParser object that can be modified as usual.
okay, so any object created with add_subparser()
can create its own ArgumentParser object
with object.add_parser()
...which means this newly created ArgumentParser
object should be able to accept any ArgumentParser
arguments yeah?
ArgumentParser definition:
prog=None, usage=None,
description=None, epilog=None,
add_help=True, allow_abbrev=True)
Create a new ArgumentParser object. All parameters should be passed as keyword arguments. Each parameter has its own more detailed description below, but in short they are:
- Allows long options to be abbreviated if the abbreviation is unambiguous.(default: True)
Changed in version 3.5: allow_abbrev parameter was added.
(this was on python 3.6.0)
Thanks in advance, guys
A patch to allow abbreviations of the subparser names was implemented, but then withdrawn when it proved to be buggy:
Issue 12713: allow abbreviation of sub commands by users
Allowing users to turn off abbreviations for long options is a different issue, handled in
Issue 14910: argparse: disable abbreviation
Two different parts of the code.
allow_abbrev - Allows long options to be abbreviated if the abbreviation is unambiguous.
A long option is created with:
With the default allow_abbrev
value, this would work with '-f', '--foo', and '--foobar'. The long_option
in this case is '--foobar'. With it False
, '--foo' would not work.
It's the main parser
that decides whether c
or caesar
or cae
are valid subparser commands (via subp
, the special action object created by parser.add_subparsers
). This behaves more like a positional with choices
parser.add_argument('foo', choices = ['c', 'caesar'])