I want to extract strings from a JSON that doesn't have the key descriptor in front of the values but where the values are simply separated by a '|'.
This is an example of the kind of input I have:
Note that on the documentation, the Jansson fuctions that i find helpful always have a key as argument (but my array only have strings without a key). If someone could help i will be very thankful.
For elements of an array you don't need any keys as you can access them via index.
First you get the array itself as a json object:
int result;
json_t *data = NULL;
result = json_unpack(json_p, "{s:o}", "data", &data);
Then you can get the elements:
int num_data = 0;
if (data != NULL && json_is_array(data))
num_data = json_array_size(data);
for (int i=0; i<num_data; i++)
json_t *one_elem = json_array_get(data, i);
// Do whatever has to be done...