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Get nearest users within a circle by current location node js

I'm explaining with an example to achieve my result.

I have a users table. Each user has their location with latitude and longitude on the database. I'm using firebase database. So the DB looks like:

users {

I need to find users within a circle using my current location.

I've looked into geolib and found a method isPointInCircle . But using this, we need to iterate users data and needs to call this method on each loop. I need to avoid this multiple calls and achieve with only one method call like:


The result should be an array having nearest locations. How can I do this? Thanks in advance :)


  • GeoFire is the only way to query the Firebase Realtime Database based on proximity to a specific point, without having to download all data and filtering client side.

    With GeoFire you create a GeoQuery for a location and a maximum distance:

    var geoQuery = geoFire.query({
      center: [10.38, 2.41],
      radius: 10.5

    You then attach handlers for items that fall within this range:

    var onKeyEnteredRegistration = geoQuery.on("key_entered", function(key, location, distance) {
      console.log(key + " entered query at " + location + " (" + distance + " km from center)");

    There is no built-in functionality for finding a single, closest item. You could do that client-side based on the distance parameter in the callback. You'd still be retrieving more data than needed, but hopefully it'd be less than the entire database.