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How can I unit-test javanica @HystrixCommand annotated methods?

I am using javanica and annotating my hystrix command methods like this:

@HystrixCommand(groupKey="MY_GROUP", commandKey="MY_COMMAND" fallbackMethod="fallbackMethod")
public Object getSomething(Object request) {

And I am trying to unit tests my fallback methods, without having to call them directly, i.e. I would like to call the @HystrixCommand annotated method and let it flow naturally into the fallback after throwing a 500 error. This all works outside of unit tests.

In my unit tests I am using springs MockRestServiceServer to return 500 errors, this part is working, but Hystrix is not being initialized correctly on my unit tests. At the beginning of my test method I have:

HystrixRequestContext context = HystrixRequestContext.initializeContext();

After this I am trying to get any hystrix command by key and checking if there are any executed commands but the list is always empty, I am using this method:

public static HystrixInvokableInfo<?> getHystrixCommandByKey(String key) {
    HystrixInvokableInfo<?> hystrixCommand = null;
    System.out.println("Current request is " + HystrixRequestLog.getCurrentRequest());
    Collection<HystrixInvokableInfo<?>> executedCommands = HystrixRequestLog.getCurrentRequest()
    for (HystrixInvokableInfo<?> command : executedCommands) {
        System.out.println("executed command is " + command.getCommandGroup().name());
        if (command.getCommandKey().name().equals(key)) {
            hystrixCommand = command;
    return hystrixCommand;

I realize I am missing something in my unit tests initialization, can anyone point me in the right direction on how I can properly unit-test this?


  • Although you shouldn't necessarily UNIT test hystrix command. It's still useful to have a sort of spring hybrid test, I think point blank accepting the functionality when adding the annotation isn't correct. The test I created ensures that the circuit breaker opens on an exception.

    public class HystrixProxyServiceTests {
        private MyRepo myRepo;
        private MyService myService;
        private static final String ID = “1”;
        public void setup() {
        public void circuitBreakerClosedOnSuccess() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
            HystrixCircuitBreaker circuitBreaker = getCircuitBreaker();
            verify(myRepo, times(1)).findOneById(
        public void circuitBreakerOpenOnException() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                .thenThrow(new RuntimeException());
            try {
            } catch (RuntimeException exception) {
                HystrixCircuitBreaker circuitBreaker = getCircuitBreaker();
            verify(myRepo, times(1)).findOneById(
        private void waitUntilCircuitBreakerOpens() throws InterruptedException {
        private void resetHystrix() {
        private void warmUpCircuitBreaker() {
        public static HystrixCircuitBreaker getCircuitBreaker() {
            return HystrixCircuitBreaker.Factory.getInstance(getCommandKey());
        private static HystrixCommandKey getCommandKey() {
            return HystrixCommandKey.Factory.asKey("findOneById");
        private void openCircuitBreakerAfterOneFailingRequest() {
                setProperty("hystrix.command.findOneById.circuitBreaker.requestVolumeThreshold", 1);

    Another little thing that tripped me up for a while was that I had entered the default annotations without a specific command key, however when the command keys are created they are created against the method name which is what I've specified above. For a complete example I've also added the annotation to show I didn't specify a commandKey.

    public Optional<Document> findOneById(final String id) {
        return this.myRepo.findOneById(id);

    Hope this helps someone.