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How to start in the middle of quatations marks

Hello I was watching a tutorial video, what I saw was that the person immidiately started in the middle of the double quotes "". (he was using a mac)

When I do the double quotes "" I always hit the back arrow to get in between the double quotes... Can I fix that? I think it is a small tweak but can make a lot of difference.

I use Atom on a windows 10.

EDIT: I found the solution via Superuser who linked to an other stackoverflow: How to disable auto pairing of quotes

I had to change my keyboard language to English instead of US Keyboard - international. Now when I tab the ' character once. It immidiately appears! :)


  • FYI: I did found the answer (I switched my keyboard language). It was international which will not give you the quatation marks immidiately when hit.. But now it does. Just choose another English version for you keyboard than International ;-)!