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Cannot share both image and text on Twitter using SLComposeViewController

I'm simply doing so:

if let vc = SLComposeViewController(forServiceType: SLServiceTypeTwitter) {
    vc.setInitialText("Tweet text")
    present(vc, animated: true)

I've done this in my app for a long time now and it used to work fine, but I just realized recently it doesn't work anymore. Now, only the image is being displayed, the text section is empty. So... what happened, what to do?


  • Try using TWTRComposer instead of SLComposeViewController. TwitterKit provides a lightweight TWTRComposer with the same capabilities and encapsulates authorising users if your application doesn't have explicit log in functionality.

    let vc = TWTRComposer()
    vc.setText("Tweet text")
    vc.setImage(UIImage(named: "hi"))
    vc.setUrl(URL(string: "")) self, completion: nil)

    You can download TwitterKit here: