How to make a ggplot histogram of a Poisson distribution with lambda = 2.5? x-axis = 0:10.
In this histogram, I need to indicate P(X>=4) with colors, being x=0:4 one color and x=5:10 another color.
Thank you so much.
Here is the code for that. R includes a function for generating data according to the most common distributions. You only need to classify according to your criteria.
# Generate data
d <- rpois(n = 10e5, lambda = 2.5)
# categorise the data according to your criteria
data <- data.frame(d = d,
col = ifelse(d < 5, "red", "blue"))
ggplot(data, aes(x = d, fill = col)) +
geom_histogram(bins = 14, color = "black")
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