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Create new content using Sonata Admin when mapped entity is an abstract class

I am trying to create new content using Sonata Admin, however due the entity is an abstract class I am getting on screen a new panel with title Select object type and the content has a blue box that says No object types available.

I don't know what kind of settings I need to set-up in order to be able to select and create one of the entities that are extending my abstract class.

Any help will be more than welcomed!


  * @ORM\InheritanceType("SINGLE_TABLE")
  * @ORM\DiscriminatorColumn(
  *     name="dtype",
  *     type="string"
  * )
  * @ORM\DiscriminatorMap({
  *     "email" = "AppBundle\Entity\EmailAlert",
  *     "sms" = "AppBundle\Entity\SmsAlert"
  * })
 abstract class AbstractAlert


 class EmailAlert extends AbstractAlert


 class SmsAlert extends AbstractAlert


 class MassiveAlertAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
     protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $form)
             ->with('panel name')

This is how it looks my Sonata Admin => Create page

If any of you can give me a clue please, I will appreciate it.

Thanks in advance for your help,


  • Ok, i was wrong and finally found a solution for you ... you have only to choose the abstract entity as you already got and set subclasses via DI as shown here in 16.3 ... that works like a charm and you'll get your choices in the add button! If not, i could imagine, that every concrete entity class also must have a own admin services, my classes already does. And for me: learning never stops ... Sorry for my wrong answer in the previous post ... having this knowledge helps me also now, improving my code. Thanks for that.