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Message boxes in Polymer applications

I am working on my first bigger Polymer application and currently have around 30 components. Most of the components need to be able to display (modal) message boxes. For this I implemented a message box component wrapping paper-dialog (similar to other message box components available).

What I don't like is that in every component which wants to display message boxes I need to define an element

<my-message-box id="message-box"></my-message-box>

and then call it like this

this.$["message-box"].information("Something happened...");

This works but my gut feeling is that a message box should be more like a global service, a singleton maybe. In C# f.e. there exists a static method on the MessageBox class.

Is the above mechanism really the recommended way to do it or are there better solutions to it?


  • My current approach is to create error-dialog and add it as a sibling to my main-app in index.html:

        Please enable JavaScript to view this website.

    error-dialog's ready() method adds a custom event:

    ready() {
      this.addEventListener('o_error', e => this._errorListener(e));
    _errorListener(e) {
      this.o_error = e.detail;

    Now I can open error-dialog from anywhere with

    let msg = ...
    const dlog = document.querySelector('error-dialog');
    dlog.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('o_error', {detail: msg, bubbles: true, composed: true}));