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Limiting Code Deploy revisions with max_revisions value is not working

I am attempting to limit the quantity of successful code deploy revisions that are preserved on the EC2 instances by editing the codedeployagent.yml file’s max_revisions value. I have currently set the value to :max_revisions: 2.

I believe that the issue I am having is due to the method that I am setting the file value. I am attempting to set the value by deploying it with the code deploy package. To do this I have created a custom codedeployagent.yml file locally at the following location:


In my appspec.yml file I am specifying the installation location of this file by the following lines:

- source: etc/codedeploy-agent/conf/codedeployagent.yml
     destination: /etc/codedeploy-agent/conf

I have found that this errors out when I attempt to deploy due to the script already being in place. To work around this, I have added a script that hooks on BeforeInstall with my appspec.yml that will remove the script prior to installing the package:

sudo rm /etc/codedeploy-agent/conf/codedeployagent.yml

Okay, so after this I have ssh’d into the server and sure enough, the :max_revisions: 2 value is set as expected. Unfortunately, in practice I am seeing many more revisions than just two being preserved on the ec2 instances.

So, to go back to the beginning of my question here… Clearly this workaround is not the best way to update the codedeployagent.yml file. I should add that I am deploying to an auto scaling group, so this needs to be a solution that can live in the deployment scripts or cloud formation templates rather than just logging in and hardcoding the value. With all this info, what am I missing here? How can I properly limit the revisions? Thanks.


  • Have you restart the agent after updating the config file? Any new configurations won't work until you restart the agent.