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connect SQLAlchemy ORM with the objects from sql core expression?

I have to use SQLalchemy Core expression to fetch objects because ORM can't do "update and returning". (the update in ORM doesn't has returning)

from sqlalchemy import update
class User(ORMBase): 
# pure sql expression, the object returned is not ORM object.
# the object is a RowProxy.
object = update(User)  \
    .values({'name': 'Wayne'})  \
    .where( == subquery.as_scalar()) \
    .returning() \



it report UnmappedInstanceError: Class 'sqlalchemy.engine.result.RowProxy' is not mapped.

How do I put that RowProxy object from sql expression into identity map of ORM ?


  • Simple case:

    Possible quick solution: construct the object from kwargs of your RowProxy, since those are object-like.


    rowproxy = update(User)  \
        .values({'name': 'Wayne'})  \
        .where( == subquery.as_scalar()) \
        .returning() \

    We might be able to do:

    user = User(**dict(rowproxy.items()))

    rowproxy.items() returns tuples of key-value pairs; dict(...) converts the tuples into actual key-value pairs; and User(...) takes kwargs for the model attribute names.

    More difficult case:

    But what if you have a model where one of the attribute names isn't quite the same as the SQL table column name? E.g. something like:

    class User(ORMBase):
        # etc...
        user_id = Column(name='id', etc)

    When we try to unpack our rowproxy into the User class, we'll likely get an error along the lines of: TypeError: 'id' is an invalid keyword argument for User (because it's expecting user_id instead).

    Now it gets dirty: we should have lying around a mapper for how to get from the table attributes to the model attributes and vice versa:

    kw_map = {a.key: for a in User.__mapper__.attrs}

    Here, a.key is the model attribute (and kwarg), and is the table attribute. This gives us something like:

        "user_id": "id"

    Well, we want to actually provide the values we got back from our rowproxy, which besides allowing object-like access also allows dict-like access:

    kwargs = {a.key: rowproxy[] for a in User.__mapper__.attrs}

    And now we can do:

    user = User(**kwargs)


    • you may want to session.commit() right after calling update().returning() to prevent long delays from your changes vs. when they get permanently stored in the database. No need to session.add(user) later - you already updated() and just need to commit() that transaction
    • object is a keyword in Python, so try not to stomp on it; you could get some very bizarre behavior doing that; that's why I renamed to rowproxy.