I need advice how to set up authentication to Hashi-UI for management Nomad and Consul. I have Debian 8 server and there I installed Terraform, I created terraform file. This download and run Nomad and Consul. That works, but if I access to Hashi-UI there is no login, so everyone can access it. I run hashi like nomad job. It is run on Nginx. How can I set login for user like this for apache?
My Nomad file:
job "hashi-ui" {
region = "global"
datacenters = ["dc1"]
type = "service"
update {
stagger = "30s"
max_parallel = 2
group "server" {
count = 1
task "hashi-ui" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "jippi/hashi-ui"
network_mode = "host"
service {
port = "http"
check {
type = "http"
path = "/"
interval = "10s"
timeout = "2s"
env {
resources {
cpu = 500
memory = 512
network {
mbits = 5
port "http" {
static = 3000
task "nginx" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "ygersie/nginx-ldap-lua:1.11.3"
network_mode = "host"
volumes = [
template {
data = <<EOF
worker_processes 2;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
env NS_IP;
env NS_PORT;
http {
access_log /dev/stdout;
error_log /dev/stderr;
auth_ldap_cache_enabled on;
auth_ldap_cache_expiration_time 300000;
auth_ldap_cache_size 10000;
ldap_server ldap_server1 {
url ldaps://ldap.example.com/ou=People,dc=example,dc=com?uid?sub?(objectClass=inetOrgPerson);
group_attribute_is_dn on;
group_attribute member;
satisfy any;
require group "cn=secure-group,ou=Group,dc=example,dc=com";
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
default upgrade;
'' close;
server {
listen 15080;
location / {
auth_ldap "Login";
auth_ldap_servers ldap_server1;
set $target '';
set $service "hashi-ui.service.consul";
set_by_lua_block $ns_ip { return os.getenv("NS_IP") or "" }
set_by_lua_block $ns_port { return os.getenv("NS_PORT") or 53 }
access_by_lua_file /etc/nginx/srv_router.lua;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
proxy_read_timeout 31d;
proxy_pass http://$target;
destination = "local/config/nginx.conf"
change_mode = "noop"
service {
port = "http"
tags = [
check {
type = "tcp"
interval = "5s"
timeout = "2s"
resources {
cpu = 100
memory = 64
network {
mbits = 1
port "http" {
static = "15080"
Thank you for any advice.
Since you are using Nginx, you can easily enable authentication in Nginx. Here some useful links:
Interestingly, this problem is discussed in the HashiUI GitHub repo as well. Take a look at this approach too: https://github.com/jippi/hashi-ui/blob/master/docs/authentication_example.md
Thanks, Arul