I have a categorical column in a data frame which has some levels, and now I would like to replace those less frequent levels (which have frequencies in terms of percentage of total less than a specified percentage) with the most frequent level. How would I realize that in an elegant and compact way?
Below is an example, if I set the specified frequency as 0.3, then level "c" should be replaced by level "a" since it's frequency is only 1/6 which is below 0.3.
from pyspark.sql import Row
row = Row("foo")
df = sc.parallelize([ row("a"), row("b"), row("c"), row("a"), row("a"), row("b") ]).toDF()
from pyspark.sql import Row
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
#sample data
row = Row("foo")
df = sc.parallelize([ row("a"), row("b"), row("c"), row("a"), row("a"), row("b") ]).toDF()
df_temp = df.groupBy('foo').agg((f.count(f.lit(1))/df.count()).alias("frequency"))
most_frequent_foo = df_temp.sort(f.col('frequency').desc()).select('foo').first()[0]
df_temp = df_temp.withColumn('foo_replaced',
f.when(f.col("frequency") < 0.3, f.lit(most_frequent_foo)).otherwise(f.col('foo')))
df_final = df.join(df_temp, df.foo==df_temp.foo, 'left').drop(df_temp.foo).drop("frequency")
Output is:
| c| a|
| b| b|
| b| b|
| a| a|
| a| a|
| a| a|