i am just trying to use copyfile to copy a file, it is as simple as that but it wont work. i have googled it and looked at 20 links and they all say "object.CopyFile ( source, destination[, overwrite] ) "
The problem is i can't get it to copy the txt file for me, i have tryed running it as an admin but still does not work. also i need to put the source and destination as lpctstr (because it wont compile with out using Multi-Byte Character and my other code will not work unless i Use Unicode Character Set).
My code is
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
return 0;
i am running windows 7, vc++ 2010, compiling as debug, sorry if i missed anything.
Replace the line:
BOOL b = CopyFile("C:\\Somefolder\\file.txt","C:\\folder\\file.txt",0);
if (!b) {
cout << "Error: " << GetLastError() << endl;
} else {
cout << "Okay " << endl;
That should tell you if and why it's failing. The error code, once you have it, can be looked up here.
And if, as your comment indicates, you're getting ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND
, the first thing I'd be looking at is whether the paths c:\somefolder
and c:\folder
exist as well as the actual source file c:\somefolder\file.txt
One special thing to keep in mind: CopyFile
won't create the directory for the target file, it has to exist before you try to copy. There are numerous ways you can do this, such as with CreateDirectory
, CreateDirectoryEx
or SHCreateDirectoryEx