As per the Pimcore 5 documentation, you can manually add a navigation link to a menu using the following routine:
$home = Document::getById(1);
'order' => -1, // put it in front of all the others
'uri' => '/', //path to homepage
'label' => $home->getProperty('navigation_name'), //visible label
'title' => $home->getProperty('navigation_title'), //tooltip text
'active' => $this->document->id == $home->id //active state
However, what I've not been able to discern is how I can add a link to a navigation menu and define a parent link that the newly added link should be nested under.
I did some digging in the Pimcore 5 github repo:
What I discovered is that when you add a page using the above prescribed method, you can include a pages
entry in the array nested with the links you want to nest inside that link.
For instance:
// Manually add navigation links
// to a Pimcore\Navigation\Container object
// Add a top-level link at the front (order = -1)
'order' => -1,
'uri' => '/test',
'label' => 'Test',
'title' => 'Test',
'pages' => array(
// Add a secondary-level link...
'order' => 0,
'uri' => '/test/a',
'label' => 'Test A',
'title' => 'Test A',
'pages' => array(
// Add a tertiary-level link...
'order' => 0,
'uri' => '/test/a/1',
'label' => 'Test A1',
'title' => 'Test A1'
// Add a tertiary-level link...
'order' => 1,
'uri' => '/test/a/2',
'label' => 'Test A2',
'title' => 'Test A2'
// Add a secondary-level link...
'order' => 0,
'uri' => '/test/b',
'label' => 'Test B',
'title' => 'Test B'
This will add the following to your navigation HTML, assuming you're not creating a custom render using a navigation partial:
<a title="Test" href="/test">Test</a>
<a title="Test A" href="/test/a">Test A</a>
<li><a title="Test A1" href="/test/a/1">Test A1</a></li>
<li><a title="Test A2" href="/test/a/2">Test A1</a></li>
<li><a title="Test B" href="/test/b">Test B</a></li>