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Error when trying to specify VHDL standard in GHDL

New with GHDL. This is my VHDL code:

Name: test.vhd
Description: Demonstrates basic design in VHDL code.
Date: 04. August 2017 AD

--first part: libraries
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

--second part: entity declaration
entity myEntity is
    port(a, b, c: in STD_LOGIC; y: out STD_LOGIC);

--third part: entity implementation
architecture aom of myEntity is
    y <= not b and (c or a and b);

Trying to compile this with ghdl -s test.vhd gives me this error: test.vhd:1:1:error: block comment are not allowed before vhdl 2008.

So I try this: ghdl --std=08 -s test.vhd and I get this: ghdl:error: unknown command '--std=08', try --help.


  • It should be compiled this way: ghdl -s --std=08 test.vhd. So, -s flag should go first. All credits go to user1155120.