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How do I get previous key from SortedDictionary?

I have dictionary containing key value pairs.

SortedDictionary<int,int> dictionary=new SortedDictionary<int,int>();

I want to get previous key value pair from a known key value. In the above case, if I have key 4, then how can I get <2,20>?


  • It's hard to implement this efficiently with a SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue> since it is implemented as a binary search tree that does not expose predecessors or successors.

    You could of course just enumerate each KeyValuePair until you find the "known" key. With a little bit of LINQ, this would look like (assuming the key definitely exists and isn't the first key):

    SortedDictionary<int, int> dictionary = ...
    int knownKey = ...
    var previousKvp = dictionary.TakeWhile(kvp => kvp.Key != knownKey)

    If those assumptions don't hold, you could do:

    var maybePreviousKvp = dictionary.TakeWhile(kvp => kvp.Key != knownKey)
                                     .Cast<KeyValuePair<int, int>?>()

    (Check that maybePreviousKvp != null to ascertain that the previous KeyValuePair was retrieved successfully.)

    But this isn't going to be efficient at all.

    If feasible, consider using a SortedList<TKey, TValue> instead (obviously, this may not be possible if you can't take its slower inserts and deletes). This collection supports efficient key and value-retrieval by ordered index since it is implemented as a growable array. Then your query becomes as simple as:

    SortedList<int, int> dictionary = ...
    int knownKey = ...
    int indexOfPrevious = dictionary.IndexOfKey(knownKey) - 1;
    // if "known" key exists and isn't the first key
    if(indexOfPrevious >= 0)
       // Wrap these in a KeyValuePair if necessary
       int previousKey = dictionary.Keys[indexOfPrevious];
       int previousValue = dictionary.Values[indexOfPrevious];      

    IndexOfKey runs a binary search on the keys-list, running in O(log n) time. Everything else should run in constant time, meaning the entire operation should run in logarithmic time.

    Otherwise, you'll have to implement yourself / find a BST collection that does expose predecessors / successors.