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Migrations is not detecting added property to ApplicationRole : IdentityRole

I am trying to add a property to the AspNetRoles table in ASP.NET Core Identity. I assumed the process would be the following:

  1. Create an ApplicationRole class that implements IdentityRole just like ApplicationUser implements IdentityUser.

  2. Add new property to ApplicationRole class.

  3. Replace IdentityRole with ApplicationRole throughout the application where necessary.


services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, ApplicationRole>()
  1. Add-Migration

During step 4 when adding the migration I end up with an empty migration file. Any idea why this isn't working like it works when adding additional properties to ApplicationUser and then adding migration?

I noticed ApplicationDbContext implements IdentityDbContext. How can I add my ApplicationRole to this. I believe this is my problem.


  • I don't know how is your ApplicationDbContext, but I think you have to put something like this in the declaration of it:

    public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser, ApplicationRole, string>