I'm trying out the AWS step function. What I'm trying to create.
https://user:password@server1.com, https://user2:password@server2.com, etc..
(Only one request at the time to each domain in parallel)I know how to make the rest call and saving to the dynamoDB etc. But the problem or unable to find the answer to is. How can I start run /all in parallel for each domain in the array I get from the dynamoDB?
AWS Step Functions have an immutable state. Once created, they cannot be changed. Given this fact, you cannot have a dynamic number of branches in your Parallel state.
To solve for this, you'll probably want to approach your design a little differently. Instead of solving this with a single Step Function, consider breaking it apart into two different state machines, as shown below.
You could optionally combine states #2 and #3 to simplify the state machine and your task code.