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XQuery SQL Extract text value from a child element of a specific node

I'm struggling with the following situation: I need to extract that '10000' after"stateid"> <from>10000</from>

I've managed to extract some that I need from the first node audittrail

SELECT ref.value ('@datetime', 'nvarchar(364)') as [LastTimeActioned],
ref.value ('@changedby', 'nvarchar(364)') as [Actioned_By]
FROM Audit 
CROSS APPLY audit.Xml.nodes ('/audittrail') R(ref)

<audittrail id="137943" datetime="29-Feb-2016 15:42:06" changedby="quality" type="update">
     <field id="10022" name="Content Control">
      <from />
     <field id="10027" name="Document Controller">
      <from />
    <field id="10028" name="Document Owner">
      <from />
    <field id="10029" name="Document Type">
      <from />
    <field id="10067" name="StateId">


  • You're looking for the Xpath:


    i.e. Find me the "fields/field" element with the attribute name of value StateId, and select the contents of the immediate child from element:

       ref.value ('@datetime', 'nvarchar(364)') as [LastTimeActioned],
       ref.value ('@changedby', 'nvarchar(364)') as [Actioned_By],
       ref.value ('(fields/field[@name="StateId"]/from)[1]', 'integer') as StateIdFrom
    FROM Audit 
    CROSS APPLY audit.Xml.nodes ('/audittrail') R(ref)

    SqlFiddle Here

    Note that you need to explicitly select the first text element result in XQuery (hence the extra parenthesis() and [1])

    More technically correctly, you could also restrict the selection to the text() of the child from, i.e.:
