I have not worked too much with immutables in Typescript but the new Angular update has me stuck. I tried updating my own Http service with the new Http lib. Now I cannot dynamically add url parameters to Http GET requests.
The issue is explained here: https://medium.com/spektrakel-blog/angular-httpclient-enforces-immutability-dad161d8714b
I have a simple function that is supposed to handle different ways of dynamically adding, either by passing a generic object or an object with both a 'key' and a 'value' property. It looks like this:
public setParams(reqOptions) {
let params;
if (reqOptions) {
if (reqOptions.key && reqOptions.value) {
params = new URLSearchParams;
params.append(reqOptions.key, reqOptions.value);
} else {
params = new URLSearchParams;
for (let item in reqOptions) {
if (reqOptions.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
params.append(item, reqOptions[item]);
return params;
Is there any way to recreate this functionality with immutables?
So if I had an object such as
status: 'new',
per_page: 50,
page: 0
And I called the above function like this
listShipments(reqOptions?): Observable<any> {
let params = this.setParams(reqOptions);
return this.http.get(this.baseUrl + '/shipments', {params: params})
it would rewrite the request url to
I found this overly useful as I could easily pass a dynamic set of parameters along with the call. How could I recreate this with immutables?
(btw: so much for "non-breaking", switching to immutables seems rather non-trivial to update in this case)
Because the HttpClient
parameters, headers etc... are immutable, every time you try to modify, a brand new object is returned. This means that you must capture this new reference for your changes to persist. Your new function will look something like this:
let params = new HttpParams();
if(!reqOptions) return params;
if(reqOptions.key && reqOptions.value){
return params.set(reqOptions.key, reqOptions.value);
for(let key of Object.keys(reqOptions)){
params = params.set(key,reqOptions[key]);
return params;