I have written a VBA Macro in Excel 2010 for running ALM Test Cases from Test Set using VBA Macro Button Click Functionality. Below Addins were selected in Excel 2010 Tools References Menu.
Opening the Same Macro in Excel 2016 gives me Compatible Version Error. Also Its showing Missing OTA Com Type Library in References Tools Menu. There is no OTA Com Type Library in the Dropdown Menu of Tools References.
Steps I have performed so far:
In order to use HP OTA, it is important to have the HP ALM Connectivity add-on installed on the machine from where you try to run/develop your code.
Steps to get the ALM Connectivity Tool.
Click "Tools"
HP ALM Connectivity "Enables you to integrate HP ALM with other tools."
Source: http://admhelp.microfocus.com/alm/en/12.50/online_help/Content/addins_index.htm?Highlight=OTA