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how to add a field in wireless trace format in ns2?

I'm working to add a field in the existing energy format in ns2. the default format is like [energy 999.899140 ei 0.100 es 0.000 et 0.000 er 0.001]. I would like to add another field Erel in the existing format like [energy 999.899140 ei 0.100 es 0.000 et 0.000 er 0.001 erel with its value]. I added functions and calculating methods of erel in the and .f files and in the and .h files. after executing make it doesn't shows any error; even though I didn't find the added variable in the trace output.

anybody working on tracing in ns2? please help me.


  • successfully added a field in the wireless trace file format. After modification/addition of methods, classes, files, functions .... etc. the make should be executed as, $ make clean $ make $ make install then, it compiles all modified/added values/fns.