I have the following cell array A
of size 1x9
A= {{'O1'} ,{'O1','O2','O3','O4'} ,{'O1','O3'} ,{'O1','O2','O3','O4'} , {},{'O1','O2','O3','O4'},{'O1','O3'},{'O1','O2','O3','O4'},{'O1','O2','O3','O4'}};
I want to sort a partition of this cell array starting the fifth element A{5:9}
according to number of elements in the cell . I have tried the sort
function as follows by didn't seems to work
[P,I] = sort(cellfun('length',A{5:9}));
A = A(I);
Also is there any way to keep track of the original indices of the cellarray after sorting ?
The sorting can be performed with the following code/
A= {{'O1'} ,{'O1','O2','O3','O4'} ,{'O1','O3'} ,{'O1','O2','O3','O4'} , {},
disp('Before sorting')
for ii = 1:numel(A)
fprintf('%d: %s\n',ii, cell2str(A{ii}));
[P,I] = sort( cellfun(@(x) numel(x),a) );
A(5:end) = a(I);
clear a
disp('After sorting')
for ii = 1:numel(A)
fprintf('%d: %s\n',ii, cell2str(A{ii}));
The mapping between the initial and final order of the cell array can be found using again I
originalOrder = 1:numel(A);
finalOrder = originalOrder;
o = originalOrder(5:end);
finalOrder(5:end) = o(I);
clear o
In your case: finalOrder = [1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 9]
The original position of cell 6
in the modified A
was finalOrder(6) = 7