Hi i'm using Maatwerk Excel laravel package to export data to XLSX and CSV.
In 2 instances a comma is good.
But now i need to make a CSV where the delimeter is not a comma but something different (a tab or pipe symbol).
I cannot find where to set this. I tried:
Excel::create('CSV Products', function($excel) use ($exports_arr) {
$excel->setCreator('Me')->setCompany('My company');
$excel->sheet('sheet1', function($sheet) use ($exports_arr) {
$sheet->fromArray($exports_arr, null, 'A1', false, false);
But if i look in the config/Excel.php file the comments suggest that this delimeter is only for reading.
Is it even possible to change the Delimeter for EXPORTING CSV files?
Thanks in advance.
The comment states that excel.csv.delimiter
is used for reading out a csv file, but in Writers/LaravelExcelWriter.php
(line 578) the CSV delimiter is taken from the config, and set as ,
by default:
$this->writer->setDelimiter(config('excel.csv.delimiter', ','));
Are you sure the Config::set
statement works properly?
Try to use:
and check the value with
As mentioned in this answer, the service provider is registered before the request takes place. Updating the config key during the request won't affect the value that is read earlier by Maatwerk/Excel. A solution is given in the answer, by creating a deferred provider.