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Get specific array element by matching key value in Twig

I have an array of objects passed to Twig from PHP and I would like to print the value of a specific entry in the array that matches another value, i.e.:

{{ teams('id' == user.team_id).name }}

Here's what I'm doing currently - and this can't be right, there must be a simpler way:

{% for team in teams %}
  {% if == user.team_id %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Any suggestions?


  • I don't know how your Controller (using Symfony?) looks like, but if the User is an object, you can simply use {{ }}.

    If that's not possible, you can use this:

    {{ teams[user.team_id].name }}


    In case your the array keys don't match the id, you can even shorten your template with filter:

    {% for team in teams|filter(team => == user.team_id) %}
    {% endfor %}