I'm using Room Persistence Library in my Android project, and store date using date type converter:
object DateConverter {
fun fromTimestamp(value: Long?): Date? = if (null == value) null else Date(value)
fun dateToTimestamp(date: Date?): Long? = date?.time
How could I select from my table by a given day using using Room DAO?
@Query("SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE date BETWEEN :dayst AND :dayet")
Object getFromTable(long dayst, long dayet);
date dayst
will be the timestamp for 00:00, i.e., 09/11/2017 00:00:00
date dayet
will be the timestamp for 23:59, i.e., 09/11/2017 23:59:59
The Object
is what you are getting from the database.