I am using TFT LCD screen (ILI9163c - 160*128). It is connected with athros AR9331 module with spi. Athros AR9331 is running with OpenWRT linux distribution. So, I am driving my LCD with spidev0.1. While filling screen or writing any string on LCD, it is taking too much time to print. So, what can i do to get sufficient printing speed.
This is the function i'm using to write data on spi pin using spidev...
void spi_transactor(unsigned char *write_data, int mode,int size)
int ret;
struct spi_ioc_transfer xfer[4];
unsigned char *init_reg;
init_reg = (unsigned char*) malloc(size);
if (mode)
gpio_set_value(_rs, 1); // DATA
gpio_set_value(_rs, 0); // COMMAND
memset(xfer, 0, sizeof xfer);
xfer[0].bits_per_word = 8;
xfer[0].tx_buf = (unsigned long)init_reg;
xfer[0].rx_buf = 0; //( unsigned long ) &buf_rx[0];
xfer[0].len = size; //wlength + rlength;
xfer[0].delay_usecs = 0;
xfer[0].speed_hz = speedx; // 8MHZ
//xfer[0].speed_hz = 160000000; // 40MHZ
ret = ioctl(spi_fd, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(1), &xfer);
gpio_set_value(_rs, 1);
The main performance issue here is that you make a hard copy of the data to send on the heap, every time the function is called. You also set up the communication parameters from scratch each time, even though they are always the same. To make things worse, the function has a massive bug: it leaks memory as if there's no tomorrow.
The hard copies aren't really necessary unless the SPI communication takes too much time for the program to sit and busy-wait on it to finish (rather likely). What you can do in that case is this: