Please help me regression test, and determine in Which Delphi versions the code below fails.
Edit: I know there is a compiler hint for it; it was in fact found in a project I inherited that somehow had the compiler hints turned off (something I see a lot of people do, as they think compiler hints are always harmless, this case shows it is not).
Still I want to know in which Delphi versions this compiler anomaly is present for documentation purposes.
[DCC Hint] QC90921_SO4717399TestCase.pas(47): H2135 FOR or WHILE loop executes zero times - deleted
In Delphi XE, 2009, 2007, and 5, it fails with the output below.
I didn't have time yet to investigate other Delphi versions.
Please help me with that, and answer with which other Delphi versions it fails as well.
Low/High const fail: 0
Low/High hex literal fail: 0
Low/High decimal literal fail: 0
This is the code that is also part of QC 90921:
program Project1;
CardinalIndex: Cardinal;
CardinalFirst: Cardinal;
CardinalLast: Cardinal;
Count: Int64;
Target: Int64;
Target := High(Cardinal);
Count := 0;
for CardinalIndex := Low(CardinalIndex) to High(CardinalIndex) do
if Target <> Count then
Writeln('Low/High const fail: ', Count);
Count := 0;
for CardinalIndex := 0 to $FFFFFFFF do
if Target <> Count then
Writeln('Low/High hex literal fail: ', Count);
Count := 0;
for CardinalIndex := 0 to 4294967295 do
if Target <> Count then
Writeln('Low/High decimal literal fail: ', Count);
Count := 0;
CardinalFirst := Low(Cardinal);
CardinalLast := High(Cardinal);
for CardinalIndex := CardinalFirst to CardinalLast do
if Target <> Count then
Writeln('Low/High variable fail: ', Count);
Count := 0;
CardinalFirst := 0;
CardinalLast := $FFFFFFFF;
for CardinalIndex := CardinalFirst to CardinalLast do
if Target <> Count then
Writeln('hex literal Variable fail: ', Count);
Count := 0;
CardinalFirst := 0;
CardinalLast := 4294967295;
for CardinalIndex := CardinalFirst to CardinalLast do
if Target <> Count then
Writeln('decimal literal Variable fail: ', Count);
Write('Press <Enter>');
on E: Exception do
Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);
Edit: summary of the answers; it fails in these Delphi versions:
I guess, since this is a documented defect, all versions where High(Cardinal)
> High(Longint)
(Delphi 4 and up) would exhibit the behavior.
From "H2135: FOR or WHILE loop executes zero times - deleted (Delphi)":
You may see this warning if a FOR loop increments its control variable from a value within the range of Longint to a value outside the range of Longint. For example:
var I: Cardinal;
For I := 0 to $FFFFFFFF do
This results from a limitation in the compiler which you can work around by replacing the FOR loop with a WHILE loop.