The following example uses Data.Bin
from the Bi
import Data.Bin
foo : (x, y : Bin) -> Dec (binCompare x y = LT)
foo x y = case binCompare x y of
LT => Yes (C1 ?hole1)
EQ => ...
GT => ...
:t ?hole1
binCompare x y = LT
How can I get a proof that binCompare x y = LT
when handling the LT
You need to use a view instead of a case
Since types can depend on values, the form of some arguments can be determined by the value of others.
So the below version works as expected:
foo : (x, y : Bin) -> Dec (binCompare x y = LT)
foo x y with (binCompare x y)
foo x y | LT = Yes Refl
foo x y | EQ = ?q_2
foo x y | GT = ?q_3