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How to combine .tif stacks in python?

I'm trying to combine multiple .tif stacks (that already consist of 40 images each) into a single tiff stack. I would prefer to do this using python. What I tried so far is (Keep in mind I don't have a lot of experience writing code, so sorry if I'm missing something obvious):

import numpy as np
from skimage import io

im1 = io.imread('filename1.ome.tif')
for i in range(2,10):
    im = io.imread('filename'+str(i)+'.ome.tif')
    im1 = np.concatenate((im1,im))

io.imsave('filescombined.ome.tif', im1)

This does leave me with a .tif file, and according to:


It is the correct shape, and from using im1.dtype I get that both are uint16. However, I can not open the resulting image in ImageJ (or any other viewer I've tried). The problem doesn't seem to come from data being lost with io.imread or io.imsave, because if I do:

image = io.imread('filename1.ome.tif')
io.imsave('testing.ome.tif', image)

The result can be opened. So I guess the problem has to stem from np.concatenate, but I have no idea what exactly the problem is, let alone how to fix it.

If you have any ideas on how to fix it, that would be very much appreciated!


  • Try the external.tifffile module of scikit image. It does not seem to encounter the problem you describe.

    The following works for me on Windows 7 and Python 3.5. It correctly saves a stack of 180 images each 100x100 pixels that can be imported straight into ImageJ

    from skimage.external import tifffile as tif
    import numpy as np
    stack1 = np.random.randint(255, size=(20, 100, 100))
    for i in range(2,10):
        stack = np.random.randint(255, size=(20, 100, 100))
        stack1 = np.concatenate((stack1,stack))
    tif.imsave('stack1.tif', stack1.astype('uint16'), bigtiff=True)

    When you drag and drop the file into ImageJ the Bio-Formats Import Option will pop up (see below). Just select the View Stack as "Standard ImageJ" and data will be loaded.Screenshot of the ImageJ Bio-Format Import Option popup window