I'm trying to deploy a schema containing a Cube with a fact table where I mapped a date dimension to a date field. I have also a dimension ComptaCompte
representing bank accounts linked to the corresponding field.
My mapping to the date is working fine and the results are as expected. However, I have an error when I set the second mapping :
Data table 'ComptaEcritureNew', line '80618' : Processing facts 'Cube.Ecriture', no member found for key '622003' in dimension 'ComptaCompte' and level 'ComptaCompteNum' - fact key column(s) = 'numCompte'
I checked the content of my dimension and the account 622003
is present as well as in the table used in the fact table.
Where does the problem come from? Could it be a problem of memory?
It was a problem of type, my account field was a VARCHAR in the database and sometimes spaces were added to the number. I converted the output type to Integer through the table importation interface of icCube. The mapping works fine now.