Sometimes when I open a binding.pry
session in a spec it shows me a too long scope in the shell like the following and takes all the shell line:
[3] pry(#<RSpec::ExampleGroups::Scope::AfterSeed::BehavesLikeAnExportableToExcelModel::WhenImportingFromSpreadsheet::AXlsxFile>)>
It turns impossible to use the shell when the level is too deep, and this scope information becomes pointless. How can I hide this scope to something like pry(#hidden_info>)>
and still have the methods and variables from the previous scope?
The pry prompt can be configured in a variety of ways. The prompt value can take any arbitrary form. (the limit is whatever you can do in Ruby)
You can see the DEFAULT_PROMPT
values in the rdocs:
proc { |target_self, nest_level, pry|
"[#{pry.input_array.size}] #{pry.config.prompt_name}(#{Pry.view_clip(target_self)})#{":#{nest_level}" unless}> "
proc { |target_self, nest_level, pry|
"[#{pry.input_array.size}] #{pry.config.prompt_name}(#{Pry.view_clip(target_self)})#{":#{nest_level}" unless}* "
In your case, you would probably want to put the following into ~/.pryrc
and then restart any pry sessions:
Pry.config.prompt = [
proc { |target_self, nest_level, pry|
"[#{pry.input_array.size}] #{pry.config.prompt_name}#{":#{nest_level}" unless}> "
proc { |target_self, nest_level, pry|
"[#{pry.input_array.size}] #{pry.config.prompt_name}#{":#{nest_level}" unless}* "
This removes the Pry.view_clip(target_self)
call which will clip the class from the prompt.
There are examples here on Stack Overflow for configuring the pry prompt as well.