I am currently trying to run on Vagrant/Homestead a Laravel Application that I pulled from Github. I connected it to the database, and run Composer Install, Composer Update inside the folder. When I try to access to it on the Browser I get the following error:
Warning: require(/home/vagrant/.../public/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/vagrant/..../public/autoload.php on line 2
I navigated to the vendor folder and noticed that it was not created. Any ideas how to fix it?
The application runs in Laravel 4, and I got the following output from the terminal when I run Composer Install:
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Nothing to install or update
Package herrera-io/json is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use kherge/json instead.
Package kherge/version is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
Package herrera-io/phar-update is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
Package mjolnic/bootstrap-colorpicker is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use itsjavi/bootstrap-colorpicker instead.
Generating autoload files
php artisan clear-compiled php artisan optimize Generating optimized class loader
Any ideas?
Composer needs to be run from the root of your application, i.e. not from the public
folder as your error seems to indicate.
You can first try running:
composer install --no-scripts
This command should list the packages that are being downloaded and installed. If the above works, you can then run:
php artisan optimize
This will create the autoload.php file that Laravel will use.