I've started a bachelor degree in a computer science related field so I ought to code and everything is quite new for me, but I guess we all started from scratch.
I'm having a hard time making my code function the way it should. I have to program a flip-coin game....create random number (even/odd), using user input and then the user should play as long as he wants, therefore I created a while-loop and it doesn't seem to work property. I already tried to put my code inside it and it didn't work neither. My IDE is also telling me that i never user the value assigned to my scanner.nextInt(), which is UserEingabe. I'm quite sure is something quite easy to solve for many of u but I'm struggling a bit. Thanks in advance for the help.
Code: Main class
class CoinObject {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Coin coinObject = new Coin();
Second class:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Coin {
public void throwCoin(){
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Erraten sie, ob Kopf oder Zahl oben liegt:");
int UserEingabe = scanner.nextInt();
int randomNumber = (int) Math.random();
String yes = "yes";
String no = "no";
int spiele = 1;
int victories = 1;
String play = scanner.next();
// if the input = the random #, cool!, otherwise false :)
if (UserEingabe == randomNumber){
System.out.println("Sie haben richtig geraten");
System.out.println("Moechten Sie weiter spielen (yes/no)");
play = scanner.next();
} else {
System.out.println("Sie haben falsch geraten");
System.out.println("Moechten Sie weiter spielen (yes/no)");
play = scanner.next();
} if (UserEingabe != 0 || UserEingabe != 1){
System.out.println("falsche Eingabe, versuchen Sie wieder");
UserEingabe = scanner.nextInt();
// the loop will be repeat it as long as the player wants to play
while (play != no){
UserEingabe = scanner.nextInt();
if (play == yes){
System.out.println("Sie haben " + spiele + "Spiele gespielt und " + victories + "Spiele gewonnen");
victories=victories +1;
spiele = spiele+1;
CoinObject (Main method)
public class CoinObject {
public static void main (String[] args) {
Coin coinObject = new Coin();
Coin (game logic)
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Coin {
// In this block we initialize the global varibales, that can be used and modified by all the methods in the class
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
private int games = 0;
private int victories = 0;
private int rightInputGuess = 0;
private int wrongInputGuess = 0;
private int[] items = new int[]{0,1};
private Random rand = new Random();
// This method creates the gameheader, meaning it creates a random number and passes it to the game method
public void initializeGame() {
System.out.println("Erraten sie, ob Kopf oder Zahl oben liegt:");
int randomNumber = rand.nextInt(items.length);
if (randomNumber == 1) {
rightInputGuess = 1;
wrongInputGuess = 0;
} else if (randomNumber == 0) {
rightInputGuess = 0;
wrongInputGuess = 1;
// This method is the actual game logic
// It takes the generates randomNumber as parameter.
// if the user types something else as 0 or 1 he will be asked to try to guess the number again.
public void playGame(int randomNumber) {
int userInput = scanner.nextInt();
String play;
if (userInput == rightInputGuess){
System.out.println("Sie haben richtig geraten");
System.out.println("Moechten Sie weiter spielen (yes/no)");
play = scanner.next();
if(play.equals("yes")) {
victories=victories +1;
games = games+1;
else if (play.equals("no")){
victories=victories +1;
games = games+1;
System.out.println("Sie haben " + games + " Spiele gespielt und " + victories + " Spiele gewonnen");
} else if (userInput == wrongInputGuess){
System.out.println("Sie haben falsch geraten");
System.out.println("Moechten Sie weiter spielen (yes/no)");
play = scanner.next();
if(play.equals("yes")) {
games = games+1;
else if (play.equals("no")){
games = games+1;
System.out.println("Sie haben " + games + " Spiele gespielt und " + victories + " Spiele gewonnen");
} else if (userInput != 0 || userInput != 1){
System.out.println("falsche Eingabe, versuchen Sie wieder");
// The playGame method is called with the current randomNumber.
// If the user types something else as 0 or 1 he gets the chance to type a valid guess
This fulfils the requirements of your game. Should the user try some invalid input that is not '0' or '1', he'll get a chance to type another input and guess the current random number.