On using INT 14H, AX gets set to 600FH and on using the code to send transmit a character, the AH gets set to 80H. I am using DOSBOX-SvnDaum to run Tasm.How should the time out error be resolved? Following is the code....
.MODEL small
.STACK 100h
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ah, 0 ;Initialize opcode
mov al, 11100011b ;Parameter data.
mov dx, 0 ;COM1: port.
int 14h
mov dx, 0 ;Select COM1:
mov al, 'm' ;Character to transmit
mov ah, 1 ;Transmit opcode
int 14h
jmp again
mov ah,1
int 21h
END _start
You can't access COM ports directly via 16bit DOS programs running inside Windows.
Here are your options:
Use a COM proxy like this one.
Install a virtual box and run your programs on it under DOS operating system.