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xml to javaconfig: profile and properties

I want to convert the following spring beans from xml to a javaconfig class.

<bean name="recorder" class="Recorder" />    
<bean name="RecordFilter" class="RecordFilter">
    <property name="resourceLocation" value="classpath:ports.list" />

<bean name="iRecorder" class="iRecorder">
    <property name="auditRecorder" ref="auditRecorder" />

<beans profile="logging">
    <bean name="logger" class="Logger" />

But I dont know how to write profile and ref in JavaConfig:

public class AppConfig {
    public Recorder recorder() {
        Recorder recorder = new Recorder();
        return recorder;

    public Filter filter(){
        Filter filter = new Filter();
        return filter;

    public Recorder recorder(){Recorder recorder = new Recorder();
        return methodInvocationRecorder;



I saw the same request but didn`t find answer.


  • I am not 100% sure what you are trying to acheive, but this might point you in the right direction.

    Spring java config does allow for @Profile

    so taking your example:

    <beans profile="logging">
        <bean name="logger" class="Logger" />

    in java config it could be represented like this:

    public class LoggingConfiguration {
        public Logger logger() {
            Logger myLogger = new Logger();
            return myLogger;

    Thus the logger bean will only be available/created when the "logging" profile is active.

    A simple way of activating a spring profile is by setting them in the property:,logging

    This can also be overwritten via environment variables.

    For further extensive reading you can reference the docs: