I'm trying to populate a date from a bound text field in a DetailsView. I keep getting a error when a DBNull is in the column. How do I avoid the DBNull when populating the text field. Any Help on this would be great at a loss.
My code is as follows:
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="CBYD Clear Date">
<asp:TextBox ID="CBYDExpDate" runat="server" ReadOnly="true" Text='<%# IIf(Eval("CBYDDate") is DBNull.Value,"", String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", Eval("CBYDDate").AddDays(30)))%>' />
The simpliest would be to define a function in codebehind that you call:
Text='<%# getDateText(Eval("CBYDDate"),"{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", 30) %>'
and in codebehind:
Protected Function getDateText(ByVal value As Object, ByVal dateFormatString As String, ByVal addDays As Int32) As String
If value Is Nothing OrElse value Is DBNull.Value Then
Return String.Empty
ElseIf TypeOf value Is Date Then
Dim d As Date = DirectCast(value, Date)
Return String.Format(dateFormatString, d.AddDays(addDays))
Return value.ToString
End If
End Function
For additional informations have a look at MSDN