I have following function, that I want to test it with ScalaCheck:
object Windows {
val Directory = "^[a-zA-Z]:\\\\(((?![<>:\"/\\\\|?*]).)+((?<![ .])\\\\)?)*$".r
def arePathsValid(paths: List[String]): Eval[List[String]] = {
.foldRight(paths, Eval.later(List.empty[String]))((a: String, b: Eval[List[String]]) => {
Directory.findFirstIn(a) match {
case Some(a) => b.map(a :: _)
case None => b
I tried to start with:
val propPaths = forAll { l: List[String] => ??? }
But could not write the implementation for the property.
The String
, that should be random generated in the List
, should has a Windows pattern path, for example:
How to do the property implementation?
You can add Windows path prefix like this:
val strGen = Gen.alphaStr // Or any other String generator
val windowsPathGen = strGen.map("C:\temp\foo" + _)