I am using sql adapter to work with a database. What is the proper way to handle updates?
The code below adds 1 point correctly to the sum_points field in the database of the entry with questionid 1624 , but there is also an error message (rs.fieldCount) coming up and console.log at the end is not executed
var fetchedTranslations = $.translationData;
query: { statement: 'UPDATE "translationsCollection" SET "sum_points" = "sum_points" + ? WHERE "questionid" = ?', params: [1,1624] } //correctly changes the value but results in error message (rs.fieldCount)
console.log("fetchedTranslations: " + JSON.stringify(fetchedTranslations));
<!--<Model src="translationsCollection"/>-->
<Collection src="translationsCollection" instance="true" id="translationData"/>
<Window id="learnQuestions" title="Learn">
<View id="learnQuestionContainer" layout="vertical" width="98%" borderWidth="2" borderRadius="5" backgroundColor="Alloy.CFG.design.backgroundColor" borderColor="#E6000000" height="98%">
<View id="ratingBar" height="Ti.UI.SIZE" backgroundColor="orange" left="1%" width="98%">
<Label id="pointsCounter" width="30%" left="30%" height="Ti.UI.SIZE" top="0" text="pointsCounter" onClick="calculatePoints" top="0"/>
<!-- calculatePoints triggers the points update function-->
<ScrollView id="learnQuestionsContainer" layout="vertical" height="Ti.UI.SIZE" dataCollection="$.translationData" dataTransform="transformFunction">
trasnlationCollection.js (in models folder)
exports.definition = {
config: {
columns: {
"questionid": "real",
"question": "text",
"answer": "text",
"difficulty": "real",
"language": "text",
"sum_points": "real",
"sum_words": "real"
adapter: {
type: "sql",
collection_name: "translationsCollection",
idAttribute : "questionid"
extendModel: function(Model) {
_.extend(Model.prototype, {
idAttribute : "questionid",
// extended functions and properties go here
return Model;
Labels in the Scrollview (that are populated by the database) are created programmatically.
Added the model src in the .xml file and fetch and set the values as Rene suggested:
<Model src="translationsCollection"/>
var fetchedTranslations = $.translationData;
var model = fetchedTranslations.get('1624');
console.log("model fetched: " + JSON.stringify(model));
model.set({sum_points: model.get('sum_points') + 1});
You appear to be using collections and models, and not just a database. For most important things you don't need to use queries at all. Just look at the related docs regarding models.
In your case, just get the model with a proper ID (or any backbone method to get them)
var model = $.fetchedTranslations.get('123');
model.set({sum_points: model.get('sum_points') + 1});
Since collections are backbone based, I recommend checking the backbone docs too, so you can see how you can get by any other properties besides ID, filter, etc.