The question of how blind people program has been answered over and over already, but I couldn't find anything on how being blind and using a screen reader or braille display affects your coding style.
Can you tell code created by blind people apart from other code?
Does being blind cause you to think differently about a problem and look for other solutions?
I'm a blind developer. I will try to answer to your question according to what I do and what I already saw in codes coming form other blind developers. However, remember that my answer absolutely isn't a reference at all. There are probably as many different usages, habits, preferences as sighted common developers have.
When working in a company and/or for an open source project, we have anyway to format our code as defined by the rules of the given company and/or project. There is no question, it's required. IN this case me and most of the blind programmers I know of first write unformatted code, compile, test, etc. and only format it when it's time to commit. Auto-formatting tools as there are in IDE are extremely precious, otherwise it would often be a real pain. If not using an IDE, command-line tools are also common, e.g. astyle for Java and C/C++.
If a given format isn't required by a company and/or project, many of us:
} // end for
. When the need arrise to do this, it can be a good indicator to tell us that we should better organize the code / better split into different functions.//constructor
, which can be immediately be found with Ctrl+F, but it can also be more subtle. For example, one of my personal tricks is to put a space between the name and the open parent when defining or declaring a function, but don't when calling the function. So I can quickly go to the definition (by searching for "name ("), or the places where it is called (by searching for "name(")./**********
import java.util.*
instead of importing 50 classes one by one.