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Changing the class variable value or class property value via method called by an event not working Angular 2 typescript

I'm new with angular 2, Currently facing a problem that I usually fixed with other languages.

The code below.

import { 
} from '@angular/core';

import {
} from '../../utilities';

  selector: 'mcs-slider-version2',
  templateUrl: './slider-version2.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./slider-version2.component.scss']

export class SliderVersion2Component {

  private _isDragActivated: boolean;

  public constructor() {}

  public mouseDown(): void {
    this._isDragActivated = true;
    registerEvent(this._element, 'mousemove', this._onMouseMove);
    registerEvent(document, 'mouseup', this._mouseUp);

  private _mouseUp(): void {
    this._isDragActivated = false;

  private _onMouseMove(): void {
    if (this._isDragActivated) {
        // Do stuff

Basically, my goal is once the mousedown event fired it will register two events on dom the mousemove and mouseup also it will set the property _isDragActivated as true means if the user move the mouse it will go/call to the method _onMouseMove() so basically it will console the value of the property _isDragActivated output true then if the user releases the mouse it will call/trigger the event mouseup on this method I set the property _isDragActivated as false and try to move the mouse again my expected output is false since I set it on mouseup event a while ago triggered however I constantly got an output true regardless how many times I triggered the mouseup event. Do I miss something? or I'am trying to implement the wrong algorithm?

Console output code above enter image description here


  • I think when you are registering your mouse up event to the document. 'this' is referring to the DOM and not to your SliderVersion2Component.

    I would try binding your this._mouseUp function to your SliderVersion2Component...

    registerEvent(document, 'mouseup', this._mouseUp.bind(this));