Using NCover Community edition, I tried:
set ncover="C:\Program Files (x86)\NCover\NCover.Console.exe"
set mstest="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe"
set testdllfolder="C:\.hudson\jobs\Project\workspace\src\TestProject\bin\Debug"
%ncover% //x coverage.xml //w %testdllfolder% %mstest% /noisolation /testcontainer:TestProject.dll
The output begins like this
Working Directory:
Coverage Xml: C:.hudson\jobs\Project\workspace\src\coverage.xml Coverage Log: Coverage.Log
Waiting for profiled application to connect...Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 10.0.30319.1
and after the MSTest output
Test Run Failed. Passed 8 Failed 2 Inconclusive 2
Total 103 Results file: C:.hudson\jobs\Project\workspace\src\debug.trx Test Settings: Local Connected Profiled process terminated. Profiler connection not established.
How to fix that?
Can you post the console output to your message? That'd tell if the session completed successfully. It could be that the coverage xml isn't showing because it's going to a directory other than the one you think it should. It's default is the current command prompt directory.
Also, you may want to try using the latest edition of NCover, v.3.4.16. You can get a 21-day trial for free at